
Personal Projects

Task Managing Application

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Built a web application using Vite, React, HTML and CSS. The website is a task managing application that can run by using localstorage and by launching the server and storing the information in a database. To begin using the database, a user must create and account and log in. Once logged in, the user will no longer use local storage until they logout, and their information will instead be stored in the database which can be accessed at any time unlike locally. The users always have the ability to add, delete, and update tasks. They can also create collections of tasks and are able to create/join groups to complete tasks with other members. The server is run using nodejs and expressjs, it creates endpoint which the application will use for perform actions relating to the database

Web Portfolio

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Built a web portfolio using React, Bootstrap, and JavaScript. The portfolio displays coursework, skills, contact information, and past projects. (2/5/2024) The portfolio has been upgraded to use Next JS, Typescript and Firebase to store/retrieve information for projects.

Grocery Budget Application

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Build a mobile application using Flutter, allowing users to set up an account with a username and password. The user can then set up a budget and is able to add/delete grocery items from their inventory. The items and their respective prices are obtained from a website using an API. The user can favorite items from the list and any change will be reflected on their budget

Game Development Project

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Developed a small game using Unity and C# as a project. The player is able to move and search items to obtain new resources and weapons. There are various enemies around the map and the player must use various weapons to defeat them. Each weapon has a unique damage and range.

Coffee Recommendation App

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Worked on a class project with a small team during the Software Engineering course. The user first chooses their coffee machine and the application then provides various predetermined recipes. The user can select one and begin the brewing process. The application provides the user with a current step and the time remaining to complete the step. This continues until there are no steps left and the coffee is finished.

Web Scheduler

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Built a web scheduler using React, JavaScript, and SQLite. The website displays current courses and their respective instructors. The user is able to add new courses and add/change/delete instructors from each course. The updated information is rewritten and stored back into the database file.

Simple Shop Web Page

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Created a simple shop page during the Web development course. The user is able to select one of three items and leave a comment/review. The item is then updated with the new review and the information is then stored in a database.